Sans Souci Dance

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Studio Policy

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Miss Jenny's dance classes strive to develop your child's individual strengths, a sense of freedom and self reliance through movement!

Code of Conduct 2024

This Code of Conduct is written with accordance from the Royal Academy of Dance and Aus dance New South Wales.

  • Teachers, students, parents and guardians, were guided in ways and actions to keep safe during the Covid 19 Pandemic. The studio keeps up to date with any government-imposed laws if they return.
  • Physical distancing, hygiene and cleaning requirements have been assessed and are carried out in the best possible manner.
  • Teachers and students at Sans Souci Dance and Fitness Studio are required to uphold professional conduct in the following ways and act towards each other in ways that don’t discriminate in relation to gender, marital status, religion, belief, colour, race, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, disability or age.
  • Observe confidentiality in a manner consistent with legal requirements.
  • Comply with all requirements of the Royal Academy of Dance.
  • Dance requires all parts of the body to be in one place at a particular time in space. This includes head hair whereby if left without correct styling dancers become distracted and move fingers in front of eyes constantly which can be detrimental to their learning particularly as students’ progress to Grade 3 and upwards. Please support and ensure your child is dressed appropriately for dance training and has a hair style that does not distract or cover their eyes. 
  • Parents of students are responsible for their child’s behaviour if students are disruptive to an extent that disturb the learning of other students.
  • Sans Souci Dance and Fitness Studio has the right to ask disruptive students to cease classes when they misbehave unduly.
  • Students’ baggage and belongings should be kept as separate as possible to avoid contact with others They must have their own bag with water bottle, Character skirt, Character shoes, essential props. 
  • Hair must be tied back and in a secure bun.
  • Where possible have ballet shoes on under larger street shoes or Wellington Boots for ease.
  • Where possible please use direct debit payments as per your invoice

Before the Lesson:

  • Students must not enter and exit the Sans Souci Studio or the hired halls only in dance clothes or ballet shoes but should have shorts or a skirt over their leotard. Ideally be dressed in their leotard and tights underneath.

Dropping and collecting children from their dance classes at Kogarah High School (Gladstone Street Kogarah)

  • At the Kogarah High School venue parents/carers must accompany students into the Auditorium 5-10 min before the start of the lesson and up to the stage area where the lesson will be, the teacher will meet you there.
  • Parents must not drop off students in the driveway and allow them to find their own way into the auditorium.
  • Students will use the bathroom facility close to the stage and will not be allowed in the foyer toilet facilities.
  • Students should come dressed in dance attire with street clothes such as track suit/ jeans/dress/ coat covering.
  • Secure Velcro or lace up shoes should be worn. This is for safety and efficiency in time management.
  • At the end of the lesson all students and teacher will exit the auditorium and meet parents in the foyer.
  • If a parent is late and one child remains to be picked up the second last parent must wait with teacher and students until the last parent arrives to collect their child. 
  • All other studio policy rules apply when attending the Kogarah High School Auditorium Stage.

During the Lesson:

  • Please have younger students visit the bathroom and wash hands before each lesson as it is not always possible to attend to their needs especially at Kogarah High School. Students will have one water break during the lesson or more on hotter days.

After the Lesson:

  • Please pick up your child promptly after the lesson. A Child Safe policy is in place, and I will make sure your child is only given to parents I know. Your child is not allowed to run out to you waiting in the car so please collect your child in person. If you are running late to collect your child, please text me and I may be able to watch them while you arrive. 

Additional codes of conduct requirements:

  • Observe confidentiality in a manner consistent with legal requirements. 
  • Comply with all requirements of the Royal Academy of Dance. 
  • Dance requires all parts of the body to be in one place at a particular time in space. This includes head hair whereby if left without correct styling dancers become distracted and move fingers in front of eyes constantly which can be detrimental to their learning  particularly as students progress to Grade 3 and upwards. Please support and ensure your child is dressed appropriately for dance training and has a hair style that does not distract or cover their eyes. 
  • Parents of students are responsible for their child’s behaviour if students are disruptive to an extent that disturbs the learning of other students. 
  • Sans Souci Dance and Fitness Studio has the right to ask disruptive students to cease classes when students misbehave unduly.
Thank you for reading. “Dancing Strong Free N Vital in 2024”

Child Safe Policy

We want all children to enjoy dance classes in a safe and happy environment. We support and respect all children and their families and our workers. We are a child safe organisation and committed to the 10 Child safe standards in New South Wales that are regulated by the office of the Children’s Guardian. 

  • Dance studio’s have safety procedures particular to their own circumstances to ensure children and their belongings are safe. Teachers and parents are reminded of the procedures in our Code of Conduct. These policies will be discussed and read out to all new teachers including short term workshop teachers. These policies will also be made available to all new families who enrol their children at Sans Souci Dance and Fitness Studio
  • Students’ baggage and belongings should be kept as separate as possible to avoid contact with others. They must have their own bag with water bottle, Character skirt, Character shoes, essential props.
  • Hair must be tied back and in a secure bun.
  • Where possible have ballet shoes on under larger street shoes or Wellington Boots for ease.
  • Where possible please use direct debit payments as per your invoice.
  • This policy is to help all teachers (paid and volunteer), parents and guardians on ways to behave when attending dance classes and interacting with children while attending Sans Souci Dance and Fitness Studio. The main aim is that we build and maintain a Child Safe environment which is inclusive, transparent and promotes participation of all children.
  • Sans Souci Dance and Fitness Studio supports children in the dance programs offered. Students are taught sound dance technique that will serve a variety of theatrical dance styles. Students are taught a range of techniques to become confident in dance. We listen to their views and involve them in decisions regarding their training.
  • When recruiting new teachers we will maintain the highest possible standard in the industry. At Sans Souci Dance and Fitness Studio we strive to develop individual strengths and a sense of freedom and self reliance through movement. New teachers must have a Working With Children’s Check (WWC). New teachers are given a trial period and Job Description. I support and monitor their classes.
  • Everyone in Sans Souci Dance and Fitness Studio who has complaints should be confident they will be followed up as quick as possible in an honest and fair manner. Everyone should be confident in reporting inappropriate behaviour around children and everyone should report any concerns about the safety or welfare of a child or young person immediately.
  • This Policy will be reviewed regularly to add or incorporate comments and suggestions from teachers, children and families. 

Thank you for reading. “Dancing strong Free N Vital in 2024″