Sans Souci Dance

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Holiday Workshops

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2024 January School Holiday Workshops

(for kids aged 6 to 16 years)

Please contact us to book and pay in advance to secure your spot! 

If you are registering a new student, please use our enrollment form to provide required details. 

Holiday Workshop Timetable:

Wednesday 24th and Saturday 27th January
Progressing Ballet Technique and Contemporary Rambert Grades

Please supply a light nutritious snack IE banana/small yoghurt tub or half chicken sandwich. and water for a 5 min break in between classes if taking the 2 classes back to back.

Timetable for both days: Teacher Miss Jenny.

  • Kids age 6 to 9 years at 10-11am Progressing Ballet Technique Junior
  • Kids age 6 to 9 years at 11-12am Contemporary Rambert Grades 1
  • Kids age 10 to 14 years at 1-2pm Progressing Ballet Technique Senior
  • Kids age 10 to 14 years at 2-3pm Contemporary Rambert Grades 2


  • 1 Class: $17.50 per Student.
  • 2 Classes: $30 per Student.
  • 3 Classes: $46 per Student.
  • 4 Classes: $60 per Student.
Contact us to secure your spot!
Please make payment to Sans Souci Dance:
BSB: 032 245
Account Number: 278 818
Please include student name as reference 


Sans Souci Dance Studio: Toyer ave. 

Rambert Grades Contemporary Dance Syllabus

Miss Jenny is excited to offer for the first time the new Rambert Grades Contemporary dance Syllabus training into the timetable for 2023. Taster/trial classes in Contemporary Dance will be held on Saturdays 14th January and Saturday 21st January. 

Photograph by Nicole Guarino

Rambert Grades is a pioneering contemporary dance syllabus born from the partnership between two of the world’s leading contemporary dance organisations: Rambert and Rambert School.

The 8-grade syllabus offers students the opportunity to develop lifelong skills. Rambert Grades encourages young people to own their individuality, be playful, work in a present manner, think independently, relate with others and have confidence in decision making while learning and embodying our three strands, Technique, Performance and Creative. The Rambert Grades syllabus is progressive and inclusive and is designed to be accessible for people from all backgrounds.

Rambert Grades teachers are taught to promote a safe environment where physical explorations can exist without rigidity, yet with focus, discipline and collaboration. Students are seen as individuals and encouraged to express their ideas and discover their unique voices.

Each grade includes exploring how to create material and improvise, learning all elements of technical skill to the highest standard, from floorwork to complex leaps, and performing solo material from renowned choreographers, Hofesh Shechter and Alesandra Seutin.

For more in-depth details on Rambert Grades, click here

Watch some clips of our previous workshops!